Our clinic is located directly in the city center of Ljubljana, 30 minutes from Ljubljana International Airport. We have numerous out of town and international patients, and our staff will make every effort to accommodate you according to your needs and wishes.

We are glad to offer you the following services:
  • complete management and arrangements of all appointments private car service (including pick up/drop off from nearby airports)
  • accommodation in nearby hotels that are comfortable for recovery professional assistance during the time of your recovery
  • assistance with making local arrangements for you and accompanying persons
Our goal is to make your experience as comfortable and rewarding as possible

If you are interested in coming to Ljubljana for your surgery we recommend that you email us at info@plasticna-kirurgija.si with the following:

  • changes that you desire with photographs of the areas of concern. It is most beneficial to send front and side views as well as a back view when necessary.
  • whether or not you have any medical conditions
  • list any medications, vitamins or supplements that you might be taking
  • desired time period for the planned procedure
  • type of travelling  arrangement that you would be interesed in

In 2 working days we will provide a structured quote for the procedure and additional services so you can choose your options. Even though we encourage a face to face initial consultation, most preliminary discussions can also be conducted via email, phone, Facetime or Skype.

We ask our patients to arrive at least one to two days prior to their surgery.  At this time, you will be examined and prepared for your cosmetic surgery. This will be your time to ask any additional questions and review your preoperative instructions. The length that we will ask you to stay will depend on which procedure(s) you are having done. In general, most patients are able to travel 2-7 days following surgery.

After you are discharged from our clinic, we also offer the optional service of a heal care aid / registered nurse to accompany you on your first night.  When you are ready to return home, we will want to know how you are doing. We would encourage you to keep in touch with our office and periodically update with your progress. As with all of our patients, we ask that you call and/or email us with questions or needs as they arise. We also ask that you send us periodic photos (via sms, or email), so that your progress can be visually seen.  We invest a lot of time and energy into our out of town patients because we know that they often travel great distances to see us.


Day 1: Consultation/pre-op appointment
Day 2: Surgery Day
Day 3: Follow-up appointment before returning home

It is indeed safe to fly within 48 hours of a surgical procedure. Do keep in mind that you will need assistance with luggage, as you must avoid lifting heavy objects or other activities requiring similar exertion.


Hotel CUBO, Ljubljana >


Hotel UNION, Ljubljana >


We are located about 30 min drive from Ljubjana Airport

letališče Jožeta Pučnika (SLO) >

Other international airports are close by:

Trieste Airport (ITA) >

Venice Airport (ITA) >

Klagenfurt Airport (AUS) >

Graz Airport (AUS) >